Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Final Photos

I love sunsets!!! They make me feel calm and peaceful I Love MATH!!! I want to be a math teacher!!!

This is my BEST FRIEND!!! Haley means alot to me!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Song Lyrics

Car Wash!
Last Weekend the cheerleaders were doing a car wash so i thought hey why not do Working at the car wash as one of your songs! So I used it as one of my songs. I like this picture because of how big the truck is. I burnded the whole photo because it was to light and that was the only way i could make it darker.
Who Let the Dogs Out

I did the song "Who Let the Dogs Out?" because we were looking for my dog everywhere and we couldnt find him anywhere in side and when we looked outside we found him. I blured out the backgroung and burned prince to make him stand out more.