Monday, May 17, 2010

Sharpen Image


Color Couch

White is the color of pruity. White also means kindness. I took this photo of Hannah with her hand on her chest because of the purity ring on her thumb. Hannah is kind and generouse. She is there to help when you need her the most. Hannah is one of my good friends and she has been there alot for me.
Purple is the color of good judgment. Not everyone makes a good judgment. We all make mistakes. I took this photo because jordan is with her dad and she makes good judgments when he is around and when her family is around. Also her dad helps her make good judgments and keeps he going on the right path.

Yellow Wall Paper
This is my yellow wall paper photo. In the story this women was depresed and had nothing to do. In this photo is Blake and he never smiles and he is never happy. I chose this photo because he seems to be sad or depressed and doesnt want to have his picture taken.

Orange is a power color. It is also one of the healing colors. Orange is also said to increase the craving for food. Orange also means vitality and endurance. People who like orange are usually thoughtful and sincere. In this photo I used my mom in the photo. Since orange is said to be a healing color I thought it would be appropriate to use my mom in the photo because she is battling cancer and she needs all of the healing she can get. Another reason why I used her was because she is always thoughtful and sincere when you are talking to her. She is holding carrots and a pumpkin because of orange being said to increase hunger. How I represented color was a power color was also my mom because she is a strong and powerful person because of her ability to always think on the bright side.

Friday, May 7, 2010


This photo I think it is Atractive because the way it is set up in the picture. I used one of those metal bottles that are suppose to be good for the enviroment and put it on a rock in my front yard where there are plants. Then I put recycables around it. I took this picture from many angles but this was the one thata loooked the best to me. All I did to this photo was change the color balance.

I think this photo is Repulsive because gum is an amazing thing. People love to chew gum but they dont dispose of it properly. So what i did was chew a bunch of gum and stuck it to the railing at my house. The gum thankfuly came off of the deck. I did not use any filters on this photo. All I did was change the color balance.
I think this photo is Atractive because it has a secret beauty to the picture. I had my sister, Sierra, put dirt all over her hands. Then I put the purple ring on her fingure to make the picture have a sparkle to it. After that I cracked an egg in her hand. Sierra was not very happy with me after this picture was taken because she was cold. I didnt use any fliters on this picture. All i did was change the color balance.

This picture I think is Repulsive because of the chocolate. I have never been able to eat chocolate without getting sick. With this photo I smeared chocolate syurp around my sister's, Sierra, mouth and had her pretented to eat her chocolate. She wasnt very happy with me when I made her do this picture. All I did to this picture was adjust the color balnce to get the picture look right. My favorite part of this picture is the open chocolate syrup bottle in the background.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lomo Photography

Lomo Photo

Neon Glow Photos

Neon Glow

Neon Glow

Easy Blur Photos


Easy Blur
Easy Blur

Filter the Background Photos

Filter the Background


Filter the Background