Friday, May 7, 2010


This photo I think it is Atractive because the way it is set up in the picture. I used one of those metal bottles that are suppose to be good for the enviroment and put it on a rock in my front yard where there are plants. Then I put recycables around it. I took this picture from many angles but this was the one thata loooked the best to me. All I did to this photo was change the color balance.

I think this photo is Repulsive because gum is an amazing thing. People love to chew gum but they dont dispose of it properly. So what i did was chew a bunch of gum and stuck it to the railing at my house. The gum thankfuly came off of the deck. I did not use any filters on this photo. All I did was change the color balance.
I think this photo is Atractive because it has a secret beauty to the picture. I had my sister, Sierra, put dirt all over her hands. Then I put the purple ring on her fingure to make the picture have a sparkle to it. After that I cracked an egg in her hand. Sierra was not very happy with me after this picture was taken because she was cold. I didnt use any fliters on this picture. All i did was change the color balance.

This picture I think is Repulsive because of the chocolate. I have never been able to eat chocolate without getting sick. With this photo I smeared chocolate syurp around my sister's, Sierra, mouth and had her pretented to eat her chocolate. She wasnt very happy with me when I made her do this picture. All I did to this picture was adjust the color balnce to get the picture look right. My favorite part of this picture is the open chocolate syrup bottle in the background.

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